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Mastering Fertility Law

Mastering Fertility Law provides high-quality fertility and surrogacy precedents.

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Cassandra Kalpaxis

Cassandra is a multi-award-winning Director and Principal Solicitor of Kalpaxis Legal Pty Ltd practicing in Family Law and Surrogacy Law. Cassandra is the Director of an innovative and holistic Dispute Resolution Hub, namely, Dispute Resolution Centre Australia (DRCAUS).

An education and resource series

As one of the first practitioners practising in this area across Australia, Cassandra knows how niche fertility law is and she has developed her own precedents over the last ten years to match the unique experiences of each of her fertility clients.

Fertility & Surrogacy precedents package

Navigating a new area of law is always daunting but Mastering Fertility Law precedents will make practice streamlined and easy to follow. It's like having an expert at your fingertips. Our precedents package includes our most popular The Preconception Surrogacy Agreement and Donor Agreement

Partnered with Smokeball

What this means for you is that - if you have Smokeball as your practice management software, you can get our precedents as an add on to your subscription! And, they will be automated... You're welcome.

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